Alicia Marie’s Resource Materials


People Biz, Inc. | Bringing Power to Your Potential

“A lot of people think that coaches are telling people what to do, and it’s a common misconception. I’m not hired for my answers — people hire me for my questions. We’re People Biz because people have the ultimate potential.” – Alicia Marie

People Biz, Inc. | Leading Change Program

Leadership is not a set of attributes and competencies, but rather a mental and emotional state. In the Leading Change Program, I focus on developing leaders such that they get access to that state, and then they can develop the competencies.

In this program, we don’t talk about leadership — we develop leaders.

Alicia Marie “Why I Love Being a Coach”

At People Biz, Inc. we are a team of passionate and experienced professionals that practice Mastery Level coaching, all to create total transformation in our clients, their teams, their communities and the world.

Watch Alicia Marie share why she loves being a coach.


Employee Engagement: Satisfaction is Not Enough

Have you been trying to keep your employees happy, in an attempt to keep them engaged? Equally as important, do you suspect unsatisfied employees aren’t engaged? Think again… Engagement can create satisfaction, but satisfaction doesn’t guarantee engagement. In other words, you can have a completely happy & satisfied employee who is NOT engaged.

Achieving Collaboration Between Employees and Leadership: Pull Me, Not Push Me

Most leaders have read books, attended seminars and have ideas about how to achieve collaboration between employees and leadership – and yet still search for the answer.

People Don’t Resist Change; They Resist Being Changed

Guiding change may be the ultimate test of a leader; no business survives over the long term if it can’t reinvent itself and adapt to its changing environment. But, human nature being what it is, fundamental change is often resisted by most of us until there is a crisis of sorts.

What Truly Engages

Motivation is intrinsic, meaning we are all attracted and energized by some grander vision or dream. It varies from individual to individual and what motivates one person would not interest another. Engaging your people requires that you understand each individuals motivator, vision and goals.

A Successful Recipe for Accountability in Your Small Business

Accountability is a buzzword in the business world right now. Unfortunately, most of us have a negative understanding of the word. We often use the word as if it means blame and punishment. Therefore, we attempt to avoid it.

Disrupt Your Life!

I have great admiration for small business owners. I love their entrepreneurial spirit, pioneering attitude, perseverance, and strength. I am lucky enough to work with them daily as their business coach.

Being Creative and Encouraging Innovation In Your Business

When running your own small business, we are often called to be creative and innovative. Without this ability, I have discovered it is nearly impossible to be successful, let alone stay afloat.

Being “Open for Business”

Through my role as coach, I am honored to witness courage in so many ways. The courage to expand and grow, the courage to ask for money, the courage to go after the big account, the courage to hire and fire when needed.

Being Positively Practical In Your Business

With the current economy and market changes I certainly feel it is important to keep a positive attitude, be positive and focus on what’s working versus what isn’t working.

Embracing Business Crisis

Crisis is often an entry point; an opportunity to get real, tell the truth about ourselves and our business. Definition of Crisis -The moment in which we know without a doubt that if we don’t make changes with ourselves and in our business we will lose. Unfortunately, at this point we usually have already lost quite a bit, which is what makes it a crisis!

Business is a Game

Remembering that business is a game could give you the mental and emotional acuity needed to get you through the rough patches we all experience.

Why All This Talk of Coaching Employees Rather Than Managing?

In a coaching role, you ask the questions and rely on your staff, who become the experts, to provide the information.

Work-Life Balance – Maybe You Can’t Do Balance?

Everyone wants balance. Is there such a thing? Clients hire me as a coach for this reason just as often as the clients who want more time and money.

“Working On” Versus “Working In” Your Business

It’s time to stop working in your business as a technician and start working on your business as an owner!

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