Understanding your natural behavior style (DISC – how you go about solving problems and getting things done), can be a useful tool in your growth and development journey. Learning about your top values, or basically why you do what you do, can guide you in the choices that are best for you. This is extremely useful when in a life transition. Thomas International DISC – is a self-administered behavioral assessment tool. The questionnaire assesses an individual’s behavioral style. There is no right or wrong profile. It simply reflects your natural behavioral style, which is the way you are most comfortable behaving.
How the Thomas DISC Assessment can be used:
Personal Interests, Attitudes and Values™ assessment measures your responses in each of the six attitudes. What is it that motivates you to take action? What is the source of your desire to become involved in certain activities—or to avoid them? The computerized report shows each of the six attitudes compared to a recently validated national average. You are provided with information on the WHY of your actions which, with application, can positively impact your life.
Emotional Intelligence Test (EQI/ EQ/ EI/ Emotional Quotient) assesses one’s ability to perceive emotions, to access and generate emotions so as to assist thoughts, to understand emotions and emotional meaning and to reflectively regulate emotions in ways that promote emotional and intellectual growth.The rules for work are changing. We’re being judged by a new yardstick; not just by how smart we are, or by our training and expertise, but also by how well we handle ourselves and others. The new measure takes for granted that we have enough intellectual/cognitive ability and technical know-how to do our jobs, it focuses instead on personal qualities such as initiative and empathy, adaptability and persuasiveness which are emotional/behavioral competencies. Our level of emotional intelligence is not fixed genetically, it is largely learned and continues to grow and develop as we go through life and learn from our experiences.
Get the Total Transformation
Don’t just solve one part of the problem. Be the solution. At People Biz, Inc., we offer Total Solutions, a comprehensive program that provides clients with the resources they need to lead based on the Transformational Leadership Principle. This program also provides the tools, resources and expertise to achieve total transformation in every aspect of their lives.