Does Your Staff Cooperate or Collaborate With You? Day 2


Yesterday we began our week long discussion around what is possible when your team moves from cooperating with you to collaborating with you. Today we continue the discussion with more ideas on how to move your staff in this direction.

Asking great questions is one way to support collaboration.

Imagine what would happen if instead of telling your team what to do, you asked them a question. For example, you notice there is a process that needs to be improved and streamlined. Rather than telling your staff to do so, figure out a question you could ask to get them started. Perhaps say something like, “we are always looking for ways to improve our business and decrease workload. What processes do you see that could be changed?” Not only are you likely to have the process you wanted streamlined and improved, but also several others, bonus!

As an extension of asking great questions begin utilizing your team by making requests from them concerning solutions to real challenges. Just because you’re at the top, you are not responsible for having all the answers. Start asking your staff for solutions to challenges you are really trying to solve, take their advice sometimes and be sure to let them know you did.

When moving from cooperation to collaboration it is important to ask good questions. Below you will find tips on the elements of a good question.

Management Elements of a Good Question

What question can you ask today?

Choose two to practice such as, “anything else” or “what’s possible?”