Imagine, you have a team that has achieved alignment because everyone on the team can say, “I can fully support this decision even though I don’t agree with it.”
Many times teams try to reach a decision by getting everyone to agree. Striving for agreement is not only futile; it is not healthy for an organization or team.
When you have a group of smart, opinionated, passionate individuals, you will never have agreement – nor should you! Diversity of thought and ideas is what moves an organization or team forward. When you have a team that is always in agreement, you probably have “group think” going on, or people unwilling to voice their ideas rather than rock the boat – both can result in stagnation.
Striving for agreement also takes more time, which is a scarce and valuable commodity, plus it can result in unhealthy conflict and emotions clouding discussions and decisions.
Alignment is an effective decision making tool that is appropriate most of the time. Alignment is not agreement, in fact, it is based on the premise that you will not agree, nor should you. People confuse alignment and agreement. They are not the same.
The “Agreement is Futile, Alignment is Critical” training is a 2 to 3 hour cost-effective training that results in greater team synergy and increased decision quality. The training consists of one session (up to 3 groups of 6-8 per group).
Alignment Training is the first pivotal step in getting teams to work more effectively together. Don’t miss out on this fun and effective team-building event.
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Don’t just solve one part of the problem. Be the solution. At People Biz, Inc., we offer Total Solutions, a comprehensive program that provides clients with the resources they need to lead based on the Transformational Leadership Principle. You will receive a comprehensive program that can include coaching, training facilitation and consulting, which will lay the foundation of your future success.