4 Steps to Finding the Right Business Coach for You

Step #1 – Be clear about what you want

A good business coach is going to ask what it is that you want. While it may seem elementary, not everyone knows the answer to this question!  Most people are not used to being asked what they want in life or in work. If it will help, start by listing all the things you know you do NOT want—and go from there. People hire coaches either because they want more of something or less of something else—or because they are facing a personal or professional dilemma. Still, others see something about coaching that attracts them, whether they can articulate what that may be, or not. The job of a coach is to model a great life and business!

Step #2 – Understand that coaching is all about you!

Coaching is about YOU—YOUR life, YOUR work, YOUR goals, YOUR needs, YOUR desires, YOUR dreams, YOUR values, etc., and NOT about the coach’s life, work, goals, needs, desires, dreams, values, etc. This is YOUR time and YOUR space—and a trained and qualified coach is going to make this all about YOU! I like to think of it as offering my client a “sacred space” wherein they can come to share any and every thing on their mind and in their heart. In addition, like a fitting room, clients can try on new ideas, like trying on a new suit of clothing—without fear of recrimination, competition, or rejection.

Step #3 – Interview More Than One Coach and Have Your Own List of Questions Ready…

The most important thing to look for in selecting a coach is finding someone with whom you feel you can easily relate in order to create the most powerful partnership possible. Here are some questions you may want to ask prospective coaches:

  • What is your coaching experience? (number of individuals you have coached, years of experience, types of situations, etc.)
  • Are you enrolled in an ICF Accredited Training Program?
  • What are your coaching specialties or client areas you most often work in?
  • What specialized skills or experience do you bring to your coaching?
  • What is your philosophy about coaching?
  • What is your specific process for coaching? (How the sessions are conducted, frequency, etc.)
  • What are some coaching success stories? (specific examples of individuals who have done well and examples of how you have added value)
  • What is the average length of time you work with clients who are addressing situations similar to my own?
  • What are your fees and how are they normally paid?

Step #4 – Retain YOUR new coach!

When you are ready to retain the business coach that you have selected, be ready to do some work! Most coaches will have you read over and sign a “Coaching Agreement” form that specifies the specifics you both have agreed upon with regard to the number and length of sessions per month, the initial duration of the coaching agreement, the agreed upon fee, etc. You may also be asked to sign a credit card authorization form to make convenient payments.

Wondering if a People Biz coach is right for you?

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