Cash Flow Basics for Entrepreneurs: FREE eBook

Business coach and entrepreneur Alicia MarieToday many entrepreneurs find themselves in business with limited financial training and as a result are having problems staying afloat, let alone prospering. In fact, 63% of new businesses don’t survive six years—and most work-at-home people fail within six months!

Why do so many entrepreneurs fail?

The primary reason is bad cash management.

Too many self-employed people neglect their cash flow until it is too late to recover. So the big question is, how will you manage your cash flow effectively?

If you are not sure how you’ll manage your cash flow effectively, then you’re on shaky ground.

To support fellow entrepreneurs, business coach and twenty-five year veteran entrepreneur, Alicia Marie, has put together a resource that includes information on banking basics, collection and dispersion, accounts receivable, inventory and sales.

What is this resource?

The first People Biz eBook, Cash Flow Basics for Entrepreneurs.

Click below to download your complimentary copy now.

Download our free eBook Cash Flow Basics for Entrepreneurs

If you’re an entrepreneur that would like to finally get a handle on their financials, hiring, operations, strategy, marketing; on their business as a whole, be sure to learn more about the Business Accelerator Program.